Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive trade and investment pact, justly described as "NAFTA on Steroids" by the hundreds of organizations and millions of people who oppose it. TPP negotiations began four years ago between the United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. Since then, Canada and Mexico joined in, and now that the text is finalized, other Asian countries, including Indonesia and Thailand, have expressed interest in signing on.

Now that we have the final text, we see that the TPP threatens to:
  • Undermine financial industry regulations needed to prevent another meltdown
  • Restrict free use of the internet
  • Dismantle “Buy Local” and “Buy American” preferences which promote local business
  • Restrict use of cheaper generic drugs
  • Challenge food safety regulations including on tobacco and GMO labeling
  • Delay action on climate change if not prevent it, including action on fracking
  • Disallow laws/regulations limiting export of oil, LNG, coal, natural gas and water
  • Allow governments to be sued by foreign corporations for lost profit as a result of laws and regulations
"So what can I do?"
If you want to help stop the Trans Pacific Partnership, here's the info you need to act now. The TPP could be submitted to Congress for an up-or-down Fast Track vote during the Lame Duck session. If we are going to defeat the TPP, we need your help for this next phase of mobilization.

If you wish to learn more so you can discuss the TPP with family, friends, your local city and country council members and congress member, here are excellent analyses:

Then join with local allies to pass a TPP-Free Zone resolution.

There are tips on how to organize to pass a resolution here. Your first step should be to build a coalition and talk to your city or county council members privately to be sure they understand the issues around the TPP and that you have their support. You want to have at least a majority vote yes. We can't afford to hand a victory, even at the local level, to those who support the TPP.

If you live in a New England state that has a Town Meeting, now is the time to start building the same coalition among local residents and groups. You can write a resolution to be included on your town meeting warrant, and collect the number of endorsers needed. You might even consider calling for a Special Town Meeting to get the resolution passed as soon as possible. If you wish assistance, email Nancy Price at nancytprice39 at gmail dot com

Here’s our Factsheet on "Why your town, city, or county council should oppose TPP and TTIP."  

Stand out! Act locally as Portland, AfDers have been regularly doing to hold signs at intersections to keep the TPP in the public eye. Scroll down for links to downloadable posters and signs.

Make an appointment to speak with your Congress member during the August Recess.  Here’s our factsheet to take to him/her. 

Finally, letters to the editor are a great way to inform the public about TPP and how it might impact jobs, laws, and your local environment.

Want to Learn more? See below for video and links to articles and news.
Ready for organizing tools? Click here for resources.

More TPP-related videos of from the 2013 Earth Democracy Conference in Madison WI are available on our YouTube channel. Check out Monsanto Will Not Rule the World and the Rally to Derail Fast Track and Stop TPP.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: NAFTA on Steroids

Like previous free trade agreements, the Trans-Pacific Partnership has the potential to undermine laws that protect workers' rights, the environment, public health, and jobs. That's why on either side of the Pacific, citizens' groups of all kinds are opposed to instituting this compact.

Here, Arthur Stamoulis, executive director of Citizens Trade Campaign, talks to David Delk about this "NAFTA on Steroids" pact and how to stop it.

This video is available to air on your local community access station. See this post on our blog for more information.

Declare your community a TPP-Free Zone
Ruth Caplan gives background on the TPP and how communities, be they cities, states, counties, can resist the Trans-Pacific Partnership by declaring themselves TPP-Free Zones and refusing to obey directives to remove democratically-instituted laws or regulations from their books. Recorded at the Democracy Convention in Madison, WI, in 2013.

TPP Corporate Coup Impacts Democracy and Access to Medicines
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign Director Elizabeth Swager gives us a broad overview of the agreement, how is has been negotiated and why it needs to be opposed. Force Positive Coordinator (Cascade Aids Project)'s Benjamin Gerritz talks in a very personal way about how this agreement could impact the availability of generic HIV drugs as well as other medicines. The agreement would help the bottom line of the pharmaceutical companies while denying life saving drugs due to increased patent lengths and increased barriers to approval of generics.

This video is available to air on your local community access station. See this post on our blog for more information.

Expose The TPP produced this short video outlining all the ways that the TPP gives multinational corporations the upper hand at the expense of democratically enacted laws, the environment, internet freedom, public health, and protections for workers and local economies. This is a good one to share with people who are new to trade issues. 

Friends of the Earth US's video, "Peril in the Pacific: Trans Pacific Trade Agreement Threatens People and Planet" highlights threats to the environment and human rights posed by TPP's draft investment chapter, and asks why the negotiating framework for the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal favors Wall Street and multinational corporations at the expense of effective environmental and climate policy. If you would like a copy of this video for a local meeting or media, please contact Bill Waren at wwaren //at// foe //dot// org.

 Visit this page for resources and
information on how to
declare your community
a TPP Free Zone.


"Why should your Congressional Representative oppose the TPP and TTIP?"
This two-sided fact sheet outlines some of the major areas in which the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement will threaten policies and laws that protect workers, the environment, public safety and public health, and national sovereignty. Read and download here.

"Why should your City or County Council or Town Meeting oppose the TPP and TTIP?"
Many of the same national arguments against TPP and TTIP apply on the local or county level as well, but our local officials are often more willing to listen to constituents and to consider what's best for a community's economy, ecosystems and people, and not just for big corporate donors. This is an invaluable resource for anyone working on a local TPP/TTIP free zone or resolution. Read and download here.

"Nafta On Steriods: That's the Trans-Pacific Partnership"
Written by the Alliance's Portland, OR chapter, this flier describes the TPP, the secrecy surrounding negotiations, and the importance of blocking Fast Track. Suggestions for action include questions for senators and representatives, and an invitation to join activists in Vancouver, BC this July to protest at the upcoming TPP negotiating round there. Read and download here.

"Stop TPP" signs
Print it large, or print it letter-size, use it for a flier, or post it in your car window and speak truth to traffic! View and download here.

"Declare Your City a TPP/TTIP Free Zone"
Promote TPP Free Zones with this poster. View and download here.

"Climate Busting Trade Agreements?"
We will not obey! Say yes to TPP Free Zones and no to the TPP and TTIP. View and download here.

"Stop TPP" postcards
A compact handout combines the basic info on the Trans-Pacific Partnership with links for more information and action items to stop fast track re-authorization and to publicly release the TPP text. View and download here.

"Just the Facts" full and half-sheet flier on the TPP
Learn about the history and impact of the TPP agreement. Gives suggestions for action and links to websites for more information. Available in a full-size version, which you can view and download here,  or a half-size, two-sided version, which you can view and download here.
Public Citizen/Global Trade Watch's TPP website with online and constituent actions, fact sheets, and other resources. Check out How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Impact Financial Regulations

 Visit this page for resources and
information on how to
declare your community
a TPP-Free Zone.

Alliance for Democracy takes action

AfD converges, marches, with warning on climate-trade connection
In workshops and out on the street with our banners, we drew a connection between multinational-driven trade agreements like TPP and TAFTA, environmental and economic justice, and the climate crisis. Check out this article to explore the connections between climate and trade. For resources, click here.

AfD organizer Ruth Caplan discusses TPP Free Zones with David Newsome, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese on WeAct Radio.  Listen here!

Portland AfD produces this postcard call to action on TPP
Portland AfD has produced a short and to-the-point postcard handout with info and actions to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Print or photocopy to encourage people to take action.

AfD joins 400 organizations in opposition to Fast Track and TPP

On March 4, Congress members received a letter signed by more than 400 organizations representing over 15 million people, expressing opposition to Fast Track Authority for the president to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership and calling for a new direction in trade agreements. Read the letter here

TPP: A giveaway for the global 1%
Our members and supporters speak out for transparent negotiations: action alert here.

Sign on to block the "Corporate Death Star"
"To all the governments negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement:
As concerned global citizens, we call on you to make the TPP process transparent and accountable to all, and to reject any plans that limit our governments' power to regulate in the public interest. The TPP is a threat to democracy, undermining national sovereignty, workers' rights, environmental protections and Internet freedom. We urge you to reject this corporate takeover." Sign here.


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